#airplanes #aviation #colorblind #vision
Colorblindness effects nearly 8% of the world’s population, and has shattered dreams of many. As for us colorblind pilots, the chance to fly commercially is significantly decreased. But I won’t except that as my fate. Flying is a bug that never leaves.
I’m a fifteen year old born to fly. As a kid, I would constantly sit and stare at pictures of airplanes. It was the coolest thing ever! Unfortunately, at around 8 years old I found out I was colorblind. At the time I didn’t think much of it, but I later came to find out I couldn’t be a commercial pilot anymore. I won’t accept that and here’s why. The answer is colorblind glasses (specifically Enchroma). These glasses work by using a specific material to filter out overlapping wave lengths, making colors easier to distinguish. These glasses are shown to be most effective on deuteranomaly colorblindness, which is also called red-green colorblindness. It just so happens that more than 99% of colorblindness is red-green. Most colorblind people are only medium to mildly colorblind which makes colorblind glasses more effective. In fact, it is very rare to not see any color at all. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has a test called the Ishihara plates test which determines if you are colorblind or not. From the source called ColorMax (colorblind contacts), a 100% passing rate is shown on the Ishihara plates test. Not to mention that is the most standard and hardest colorblind test used by the FAA, and there are alternative tests that are even easier. In a world of roughly 300 million colorblind, this would help millions. So please, help us to make colorblind glasses usable as commercial pilots, and make many dreams a reality! Thank you!
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