Reentry resources

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-07-14 09:37:08

#Reentry   #resources   

To many people pay there debt to Society  y serving prison sentences only to be kicked out with 200$ and expecting them to not revert back to crime  myself being one of them  I find it impossible to get steady work housing and transportation all within month of release this made me homeless and to this day despite a few good people that allow me to sleep on couch or shower I would be completely on the streets and from my position I find it harder to find work being lack of cloths lack of transportation or money to ride bus so I revert to shoplifting to survive I don’t enjoy it but it’s all I have at the end of the day with no lack of trying to locate work there are a few service’s available like nap and gr but let’s rethink this epicdimic and fig out a way to insure I have the means to stabilizing after getting out  I am not alone and the prisons are over full due to recommitment rate and I’m sure there’s a lot due to lack of resources available I have a dream to open a reentry hub and Revolutionize the reentry process ensuring newly released citizens with the proper resources to stabilize in society

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Last Comments

Marlyn Cook   ( 2022-09-21 17:50:27 )

I can tell that you did your best! Way to go!

Top 10 donaters

Anonymous donater: 25 $
( 2022-09-21 17:50:27 )
