Demand Change at NSGC!

Target: 1000
Start petition: 2022-07-11 21:36:43

#Demand   #Change   

The National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) needs to pro-actively focus on reproductive rights and hire new political leadership to make sure that our legislation recognizing genetic counselors by Medicare gets done! We demand that:

  • The NSGC Board publish a Request For Proposals and pursue a *transparent* process for choosing a new Director of Government Affairs. 
  • The NSGC Board commit to putting out a Request For Proposals at a regular cadence, such as every three years.
  • This process must prioritize bids from political operatives who have:
    • Experience working with our targeted committees (Energy & Commerce, and Ways & Means in the US House) to move our legislation forward.
    • Experience working on reproductive freedom at the state and federal level. 
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Last Comments

Gloria Sorenson   ( 2022-07-18 16:06:42 )

You did quality work! Great job!
Mike Schreiner   ( 2022-08-23 11:28:53 )

You show great attention to detail!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-08-28 12:32:52 )

This is a powerful point! Great job!
أبو المكارم   ( 2022-09-26 14:23:53 )

You have brilliant thoughts!
Atte Kortejärvi   ( 2022-08-02 11:57:41 )

This is a persuasive argument!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-08-02 16:02:15 )

This is clever!
Jeff Hysen   ( 2022-09-23 10:01:41 )

You are so intelligent!
Ross Goers   ( 2022-07-20 12:49:40 )

You show great attention to detail!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-09 10:13:13 )

You prove that you can do hard things! Good work!
Darren Gilpin   ( 2022-08-18 23:43:31 )

I love reading your essays!
Thant Zin   ( 2022-09-24 04:41:28 )

What terrific math skills youre showing!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-27 07:19:05 )

This is an excellent analytical paper!
Tonya McQuade   ( 2022-08-28 06:57:42 )

This hypothesis is amazing! I cant wait to see where you take it!
Eliza Mathema   ( 2022-10-01 22:22:19 )

You worked so hard!
Travis McGuire   ( 2022-07-24 04:24:35 )

What a powerful argument!
Lois Richmond   ( 2022-08-25 23:43:28 )

I love this!
Justin Camacho   ( 2022-08-19 04:40:34 )

This really sparkles!
Kanchana Ranasinghe   ( 2022-09-24 14:40:53 )

You did your best!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-10-06 17:12:47 )

This is a wonderful thesis! Good job!
Carey Thompson Cole   ( 2022-07-14 18:30:36 )

I never thought of it this way. Great job analyzing!
Jeni Geis   ( 2022-10-04 01:56:12 )

You amaze me with your attention to detail!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-10-04 03:39:19 )

I can tell youve been practicing!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-21 03:42:30 )

These are amazing ideas!
Lauren Hawkes   ( 2022-08-12 01:51:19 )

You outdid yourself with this assignment!

Top 10 donaters

Narvin Khan: 191 $
( 2022-10-03 17:49:59 )
Anonymous donater: 49 $
( 2022-09-21 10:32:15 )
Anonymous donater: 41 $
( 2022-07-27 19:58:53 )
Michelle Rivas Helton Morris: 36 $
( 2022-07-20 23:09:33 )
Leanne Kay: 30 $
( 2022-09-14 18:10:57 )
Joanne Schlotzhauer: 30 $
( 2022-09-27 07:19:05 )
Anonymous donater: 25 $
( 2022-07-25 15:25:24 )
Bill Cole: 24 $
( 2022-10-07 00:58:21 )
Mark Romero: 19 $
( 2022-08-24 05:54:14 )
Anonymous donater: 6 $
( 2022-08-23 10:03:53 )
