Speeding in Lehi Crossing

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-08-30 23:38:11

#Speeding   #Crossing   

There is no secret that speeding and unsafe driving issues in our community have increased. Now is your time to show support. By signing this petition you are supporting various road safety mechanisms to possibly include, but not limited to, an updated speed study, radars, and/or painted crosswalks.

This petition will be presented at the next HOA board meeting on Sept 28th at 7pm. The Safety Committee has spoken and discussed several of the above mentioned to be installed at each HOA meeting since April 2022 which have been delayed/denied for various reasons.


We NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in this rising safety concern. 


Please only have one person from your home sign. 


Thank you for considering 


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