Less homework for stressed students at Conant High School

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-08-21 21:59:42

#homework   #stressed   #students   #Conant   #School   

I’ve just begun my freshman year at Conant High School, and after just 7 days of going to school here, I can confidently say that this is the most stressed I’ve ever been in my entire life. I’m taking some of the school’s higher-level classes (not really because I wanted to, but because it was kind of the only option, when presented with the choice.), and the amount of homework I’ve been getting is just completely absurd. On the fifth day of school, I came home with an abundance of homework, and I got started right away. I worked until I had to eat, and then worked even more. By the time I was finished, it was 9:00 PM, my father had been home from work long before I had been finished, and he was getting paid. I’ve spoken to others who are in these same classes, and people who have taken them before, and I’ve heard lots of similar things:

”I had 5 hours of homework last night.”

”I’ve cried while doing homework for this class so many times.”

If this doesn’t trouble you at least to some degree, I don’t know what does. Nobody should be so stressed that they are physically crying over work, much less a child in school. This is how it has always been, for decades, maybe even centuries, but I wasn’t alive back then. This is a flaw in our education system, but it’s been completely normal for so long that nobody wants to accept it.

I wish that something could be done all across the country, so that students could sleep the hours they need to function, or spend time with their families and friends, but as it stands right now, I feel that I need to start small. In order to make change in this school, work needs to be put in, lesson plans may need to be rewritten, assignment guides may need to be edited. However, if changes are made, I feel that the benefits that it will have for the students will be tremendous.

I don’t expect this petition to gain much traction, but I would be absolutely delighted if it did. I think a goal of 3,000 people is appropriate, because it’s more than the entire student body, and reaching that would really show interest in change. If we do end up hitting this number, or at least getting close, I will present this case to the school, that is a promise.

Never be afraid to try to make a difference.

- Tony Gunk

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Last Comments

Rebecca Racek   ( 2022-10-02 16:11:38 )

This sentence sparkles!
Megan L Snyder   ( 2022-09-16 15:34:36 )

What an amazing sentence!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-25 18:32:49 )

This is beautiful!

Top 10 donaters

Zach Burr: 30 $
( 2022-09-19 12:34:21 )
