Keep route 31 between Stearns & McLean semi free

Target: 500
Start petition: 2022-07-12 21:46:41

#between   #Stearns   #McLean   

We share a concern regarding dangers on route 31. Specifically the section between Stearns Road and McLean boulevard in South Elgin. There is an increase in semi-trucks traveling on 31 at high rates of speed or with wide loads forcing other motorists to navigate further outside their lanes. With sharp curves and no real shoulder there is an on-going danger for anyone traveling this roadway.

We are requesting Kane County do a safety assessment. Ideally resulting in possible solutions below:

  • Restricting semis from traveling on Route 31 in this section
  • Widening of shoulders, where possible
  • Rumble strips encouraging slow down near the most dangerous curves

South Elgin community members who share this concern, please take a moment to sign this petition.

Step 1:

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